Damascus Road Youth Ministry

Our Purpose Statement:
Parents are the key to youth ministry. We exist
to assist parents at Victory Baptist Church in leading
their teens to embrace:
- Personal faith in Jesus Christ.
- Whole-hearted commitment to glorifying Christ.
- Reaching others with the Gospel of Christ.
- Discovering God’s will for their lives.
What we offer:
Our Youth Group is made up of Junior High and Senior High ages. Pastor Greg Cook oversees our Youth ministries and leads the teens to spiritual growth through Bible study and Scripture memory. Damascus Road provides for interaction with the Word of God and lends to the topics facing post-modern teens from a Scriptural view instead of a world view. It’s our goal that each teen learn to encourage one another through the Word of God, activities and fellowships, and are taught to serve through various opportunities to help others and share the gospel of Jesus Christ. We meet every Sunday morning at 9:45 a,m, for Sunday School and on Wednesday night at 6:30 p.m. for Bible study and activities. Pastor Greg and Mrs. Lori always have a fun and exciting program with study groups, games and monthly activities.
Every summer around the first or second week of June we take our teens to The Wilds Christian Camp which runs from Monday-Saturday. We have-in house fund raisers and camp scholarships provided by our church family to make sure each teen is afforded the opportunity to attend. We are convinced The Wilds is one of the greatest investments we make in the lives of our teens as a church. It’s amazing to see how God works in the heart of each young person during this special week. Visit The Wilds website here http://wilds.org/ We also have a summer boot camp at the church that runs for one week providing Bible study, preaching, Scripture memory, Bible quiz time and lots of skits and games. We also have a bi-annual missions trip. We have participated in mission work in Mexico, Atlanta, Washington D.C., Brooklyn, New York and Manhattan, New York. We also host a yearly ski trip to the mountains of Tennessee. We hope to see you this Sunday!